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Read online book Nature / History / Society: Hunting for Empire : Narratives of Sport in Rupert's Land, 1840-70 by Greg Gillespie EPUB, TXT, DJV


Despite Canada's vast wilderness and outdoor heritage, the history of sport hunting remains at the periphery of academic thought. "Hunting for Empire" writes sport hunting into Canadian scholarship and provides a starting point for further study. "Hunting for Empire" offers a cultural history of sport and imperialism as revealed through 19th-century British big-game hunting and exploration narratives from the western interior of Rupert's Land. Greg Gillespie integrates critical perspectives from cultural history, cultural studies, literary criticism, and cultural geography to analyze the themes of authorship, sport, science, and nature. Blending these interdisciplinary perspectives, he produces a unique theoretical lens to study narratives of early imperial sport hunting that prevailed before the rise of western Canada's hunting tourism industry in the late 19th century.Sharply written and evocatively illustrated, "Hunting for Empire" will appeal to students and scholars of culture, sport, geography, and history, and to general readers interested in stories of hunting, empire, and the Canadian wilderness., Despite Canada’s vast wilderness and outdoor heritage, the history of sport hunting remains at the periphery of academic thought. Hunting for Empire writes sport hunting into Canadian scholarship and provides a starting point for further study. Hunting for Empire offers a cultural history of sport and imperialism as revealed through 19th-century British big-game hunting and exploration narratives from the western interior of Rupert’s Land. Greg Gillespie integrates critical perspectives from cultural history, cultural studies, literary criticism, and cultural geography to analyze the themes of authorship, sport, science, and nature. Blending these interdisciplinary perspectives, he produces a unique theoretical lens to study narratives of early imperial sport hunting that prevailed before the rise of western Canada’s hunting tourism industry in the late 19th century. Sharply written and evocatively illustrated, Hunting for Empire will appeal to students and scholars of culture, sport, geography, and history, and to general readers interested in stories of hunting, empire, and the Canadian wilderness., Hunting for Empire offers a fresh cultural history of sportand imperialism. Greg Gillespie integrates critical perspectives fromcultural studies, literary criticism, and cultural geography to analyzethe themes of authorship, sport, science, and nature. In doing so heproduces a unique theoretical lens through which to studynineteenth-century British big-game hunting and exploration narrativesfrom the western interior of Rupert's Land. Sharply written andevocatively illustrated, Hunting for Empire will appeal tostudents and scholars of culture, sport, geography, and history, and togeneral readers interested in stories of hunting, empire, and theCanadian wilderness., Offers a cultural history of sport and imperialism as revealed through 19th-century British big-game hunting and exploration narratives from the western interior of Rupert's Land.

Read ebook Nature / History / Society: Hunting for Empire : Narratives of Sport in Rupert's Land, 1840-70 by Greg Gillespie FB2, EPUB, TXT

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