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Charles G. Cobb - The Project Manager's Guide to Mastering Agile : Principles and Practices for an Adaptive Approach download PDF, FB2


Streamline project workflow with expert agile implementation The Project Management Profession is beginning to go throughrapid and profound transformation due to the widespread adoption ofagile methodologies. Those changes are likely to dramaticallychange the role of project managers in many environments as we haveknown them and raise the bar for the entire project managementprofession; however, we are in the early stages of thattransformation and there is a lot of confusion about the impact ithas on project managers: There are many stereotypes and misconceptions that exist aboutboth Agile and traditional plan-driven project management, Agile and traditional project management principles andpractices are treated as separate and independent domains ofknowledge with little or no integration between the two andsometimes seen as in conflict with each other Agile and "Waterfall" are thought of as two binary,mutually-exclusive choices and companies sometimes try to force-fittheir business and projects to one of those extremes when the rightsolution is to fit the approach to the project It's no wonder that many Project Managers might beconfused by all of this! This book will help project managersunravel a lot of the confusion that exists; develop a totally newperspective to see Agile and traditional plan-driven projectmanagement principles and practices in a new light as complementaryto each other rather than competitive; and learn to develop anadaptive approach to blend those principles and practices togetherin the right proportions to fit any situation. There are many books on Agile and many books on traditionalproject management but what's very unique about this book isthat it takes an objective approach to help you understand thestrengths and weaknesses of both of those areas to see how they canwork synergistically to improve project outcomes in anyproject. The book includes discussion topics, real world casestudies, and sample enterprise-level agile frameworks thatfacilitate hands-on learning as well as an in-depth discussion ofthe principles behind both Agile and traditional plan-drivenproject management practices to provide a more thorough level ofunderstanding.

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Augmented--not revised--with charts and sidebar articles in an easy-to-use format, it is one of the clearest and most accessible versions available today.Expanded introductions with detailed outlines of each book.Book jacket.Obtain techniques for adding color to black and white or monochrome photographic images using GIMP.The station wagon veered onto the sidewalk on President Street, knocking over a 600-pound stone pillar from a building and striking both Gavin and Angela Cato, pinning them beneath the car.Expanded introductions with detailed outlines of each book.Clean, clear text and annotations are laid out in an easy-to-read format, guiding readers to a fuller understanding of the Bible.Over 100 boxed factual articles and lists.As regular viewers of reality television, these scholars are able to note ways in which the genre presents positive images of black womanhood, even as they catalog a litany of stereotypes about race, class, and gender that it tends to reinforce.