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Read book Popular Science - Tech Upgrades Guide : Build Your Own Laser Cutter + 74 Other Way-Cool Gadget Hacks in DOC, PDF


Tech Upgradesis for anyone who's ever wished they could build their own touchscreen, brew up and use conductive ink, rig a mouse that you can operate with your feet, or make a rad engraved computer tower that glows in the darkessentially, it's for fun-loving nerds everywhere. Used to be, whenever you had a computer problem or techie glitch, you went and found the nearest geek to help fix it. But now, there's a new movement afoota band of inventive and self-reliant geeks who hack computer and software to solve problems (and, in some cases, just to have fun). From building your own computer out of a cereal box to modifying safety goggles to see infrared rays, from skinning your laptop with steampunk trimmings to divising a foxhole radio, and from setting up a projector for your iPhone to working out with a dumbbell of old CDs, this book makes being a nerd, well. Cool. Activities include: Rig a DIY Polygraph Listen in on a Foxhole Radio Tack Up a Dipole Antenna Craft a Cell-phone Cantenna Hang HDTV-Antenna Art Mod an Xbox Controller into an iPhone Case Make Your Smartphone "Bounceable" Set Up an Electric Home Secretary Rig a Smartphone Projector Charge a Phone with Solar Rays Make a Tennis Ball Smartphone Tripod Turn Your Old Netbook into a Touchscreen Tablet Fashion a DIY Stylus for Your Touchscreen Device Protect Your Touchscreen with Thin Vinyl Stash a Flash Drive in a Cassette Make a Pink-Eraser Flash Driver Fake It with a Sawed-Off Flash Drive House a Flash Drive in a LEGO Hack a Foot-Operated Mouse Trick Out Your Computer Tower with Engraving Turn Your Laptop into a White Board Dye Your Laptop Make a Steampunk-Inspired Laptop Case Turn on Your Computer with a Magnet Shield Your Screen from Prying Eyes Print in Invisible Ink Keep Your Laptop Cool with Copper Coils Connect a Junked Out Typewriter to Your Computer Make Keyboard Thumbtacks Rig a Superportable Keyboard Create a Glowing Mousepad Put an Old Circuit Board to New Use Make a Laptop Stand froma Three-Ring Binder Build a USB Hub into Your Desk Stash Your Printer in a Drawer Mount Office Supplies Behind Your Monitor Organize Loose Cables Make a Floppy-Disk Box Get Pumped with a CD Dumbbell Assemble a Cereal-Box Spectrometer Make an External Hard Drive Build a Computer out of a Cereal Box Transform an Everyday Lightbulb into a Plasma Globe Light Up Sketches with Home-Made Conductive Ink Hack Infrared Goggles Decimate with a DIY Laser Cutter Create Glass Objects out of Sand Shine a Mini Flash Light Brighten Up a Standard-Issue Flashlight Beam a Batman-Inspired Spotlight Get Techie with Aluminum Foil Improvise a Tripod Mount a Camera on Your Bike Build a Time-Lapse Camera Stand Rig a Plastic-Bottle Diffuser Make Your Camera Waterproof Create a Peephole Fisheye Lens Adapt a Manual Ring to Your DLSR Snap a Self-Portrait with a DIY Remote Shutter Release Set Up a High-Speed Flash Build a Ginormous Camera, Used to be, whenever you had a computer problem or techie glitch, you went and found the nearest geek to help fix it. But now, there's a new movement afoota band of inventive and self-reliant geeks who hack computer and software to solve problems (and, in some cases, just to have fun). From building your own computer out of a cereal box to modifying safety goggles to see infrared rays, from skinning your laptop with steampunk trimmings to divising a foxhole radio, and from setting up a projector for your iPhone to working out with a dumbbell of old CDs, this book makes being a nerd, well. Cool. Activities include: Rig a DIY Polygraph Listen in on a Foxhole Radio Tack Up a Dipole Antenna Craft a Cell-phone Cantenna Hang HDTV-Antenna Art Mod an Xbox Controller into an iPhone Case Make Your Smartphone "Bounceable" Set Up an Electric Home Secretary Rig a Smartphone Projector Charge a Phone with Solar Rays Make a Tennis Ball Smartphone Tripod Turn Your Old Netbook into a Touchscreen Tablet Fashion a DIY Stylus for Your Touchscreen Device Protect Your Touchscreen with Thin Vinyl Stash a Flash Drive in a Cassette Make a Pink-Eraser Flash Driver Fake It with a Sawed-Off Flash Drive House a Flash Drive in a LEGO Hack a Foot-Operated Mouse Trick Out Your Computer Tower with Engraving Turn Your Laptop into a White Board Dye Your Laptop Make a Steampunk-Inspired Laptop Case Turn on Your Computer with a Magnet Shield Your Screen from Prying Eyes Print in Invisible Ink Keep Your Laptop Cool with Copper Coils Connect a Junked Out Typewriter to Your Computer Make Keyboard Thumbtacks Rig a Superportable Keyboard Create a Glowing Mousepad Put an Old Circuit Board to New Use Make a Laptop Stand froma Three-Ring Binder Build a USB Hub into Your Desk Stash Your Printer in a Drawer Mount Office Supplies Behind Your Monitor Organize Loose Cables Make a Floppy-Disk Box Get Pumped with a CD Dumbbell Assemble a Cereal-Box Spectrometer Make an External Hard Drive Build a Computer out of a Cereal Box Transform an Everyday Lightbulb into a Plasma Globe Light Up Sketches with Home-Made Conductive Ink Hack Infrared Goggles Decimate with a DIY Laser Cutter Create Glass Objects out of Sand Shine a Mini Flash Light Brighten Up a Standard-Issue Flashlight Beam a Batman-Inspired Spotlight Get Techie with Aluminum Foil Improvise a Tripod Mount a Camera on Your Bike Build a Time-Lapse Camera Stand Rig a Plastic-Bottle Diffuser Make Your Camera Waterproof Create a Peephole Fisheye Lens Adapt a Manual Ring to Your DLSR Snap a Self-Portrait with a DIY Remote Shutter Release Set Up a High-Speed Flash Build a Ginormous Camera

Tech Upgrades Guide : Build Your Own Laser Cutter + 74 Other Way-Cool Gadget Hacks by Popular Science download book EPUB, DJV, FB2

Learn about the Seven Faces of the Feminine, including the Light and Dark Faces of the Daughter, the Mother, the Crone or Grandmother, and the Pure Virgin or Enlightened Being of one's true nature.The anthology provides practitioner notes in the form of author interviews, research and para-textual notes which help to elucidate the workings of the genre.Seen from the ultimate insider, we glimpse a world unseen and unknown to most of us.The Sounds of the Coup focuses upon sense memories of witnesses who were children at the time of the 1974 military coup in Chile.What we don't see is how both powerful and ordinary people are remaking their lives as their country dramatically changes.But should we be concerned that our important moral judgments can be swayed by "hot" passions, such as anger, disgust, guilt, shame and sympathy?This title examines a key aspect of film style - the costume., The High School outsider takes off her glasses, puts on a dress, and becomes the Prom Queen; the dowdy woman has her hair done, buys some chic new clothes and starts to attract the men.Integrating mindfulness and cutting-edge neuroscience, international mindfulness expert Donald Altman teaches how to modify entrenched habits and patterns with only a few minutes of attention daily.The term ?drawing?Using interviews collected at the time and further material gathered in the aftermath, Alecky Blythe 's play explores the impact of the siege on the lives of individuals and the community.That awakening set Karan down a path of spiritual discovery and self-improvement.Was the Seven Sisters girl an East Coast Ivy Leaguer?